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Writer's pictureSarah Drewicz

Early Intervention is Key to Success

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Early intervention is key to success. If your child has trouble with letter recognition and letter sounds, don't hesitate to get the help they need to become successful readers. There are small habits you can start now that can make a big difference throughout the year.

  • Set up a station in your home. For us, it's the basement door; I have four letters on the wall that I quickly review with my son every morning while he eats breakfast. I keep the letters he knows in a folder on the fridge so we can continually review them.

A four (4) letter station for young children to learn the alphabet.
4 Letter Station
  • Place letter magnets on your fridge. I have mine organized in alphabetic order; some days, I will sing the alphabet and point to each letter as we walk by. My son has started expressing interest in forming words.

Utilize letter magnets to increase your child's reading capability.
Alphabet Magnets
  • Read every night to your child before bed (fiction, non-fiction, or both).

  • If you have Spotify, put on audio books or alphabet songs in the car or as background while they are engaging in play.

  • When your child asks you what a word means, write it on paper and point to the word. Then, give a definition. We often use our whiteboard; I leave the new vocabulary word up all day once I write the word on it.

Please see the video below for instructions on making letter magnets.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this approach with your child.

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